Brunswick St. is one of the most famous streets in Melbourne. There you can find the craziest fashion and also really crazy and strange people (hippies who wear clothes which you've never seen Apart from that you will get healthy vegetarian food and a lot more alternative stuff.
Julchen has always been really excited about sex shops, so I thought I'm gonna have look how the Australian ones look like. No differences apart from the name - they are called "adult stores"! Anyway, Morris obviously enjoyed himself a lot there as well!
BRUNETTI - a really famous and delicious Italian Cafe which led us into temptation............
actually...........................twice..............:-)yummy croissant with vanilla custard inside...............mmmmhhhh
6 Kommentare:
Ah, da kann man wirklich neidisch werden, sooooooooo fiess, jetzt bist schon wieder auf Achse oder was???? Waaah, egal, werde Melbourne vom 4.6. bis 8.6. besuchen!
Basti kommt uebrigens vom 19.4. bis 22.4. wieder nach Sydney.
Bussal, dein Soffal
hey, schone mal wieder von dir zu hoeren!!!
tut mir soooooooooooo unendlich leid, dass ich deinen burzeltag vergessen habe!!!
ich melde mich naechste woche mal bei dir! muss das ganze we auf die 3 kleinen wunder aufpassen!!!:-) die gasteltern fahren auf ein romantisches wellness weekend! na dann, viel spass sag i da nur!!
bussi und bis naechste woche mal.
Hello my sweet Darling,
I think you have really enjoyed this trip to Melbourne. The photos seems so... wonderful :-). Today I´m going to my massage, I am still happy of this. I miss and love you. Your shining star
:-) you are so funny!! you've even changed your username!!!
you are my brightest star in space!
How was your massage? speak to you soon, yeah??!!
big kiss
My sweet Darling, I still have told you how good my massage was. It was great. The masseuse took different aromaoils and distributed the oils on my hole skin. It was really amazing. I Love you forever my little beachslamp. Your shining star.
@shining star:
also meine liebe, ich schaetz es ja sehr, dass du mir immer fleissig auf englisch schreibst, aber ueber die benutzung einzelner woerter in einem gewissen kontext, muessen wir nochmal reden.
wie schaut ostern aus bei dir? gibst sauber gas auf ner bunnyparty?
ich mag nen osterhasen??? aber nen schoen maennlichen und keinen aus schokolade diesmal!!!!!!
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