16 Januar 2007

party all night long.....................

hey guys!!!
hope everything is going well and everybody is happy?
this post is gonna be an english one cause I had a few complaints of english speaking people (cousins from nz, friends from london and australia).
however, the following photos were taken in portsea where my hostfamily and I spent our holiday the last 3 weeks. It has been a lovely holiday for the kids, the parents and for me (although I had to work). I met a few really nice aussies and we had a lot of fun days, or shall I say "big nights" (fuer alle, die nicht wissen was ne "big night" ist: so nennen die australier eine nacht, in der man richtig gas gibt beim weggehen und garantiert nicht nuechtern nach hause kommt!).
portsea was a relly nice experience and I really appreciate the wonderful countryside, the amazing beaches and the beachhouse where I was allowed to stay! thank you very much to my hostfamily and their relatives!

back in Sydney again and I really looking forward to my next trip :-)
I got two surflessons in bondi for christmas, so this will be one of my next posts!!!
I'm going to New Zealand in march and I'm very excited to seeing all my cousins and and second cousins. this is gonna be awesome!!!!

homesickness goodbye - beach, sun and boy's I'm coming!

love you all, big hug


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